Insurance Assessments – Pursue the Protection You Need and Deserve

Being uninsured or underinsured can cause financial stress if an injury or theft occurs on your property. Insurance assessments can benefit you. Learn about insurance assessments. Then, decide which items you want to add to your current home insurance policy.


Assessments can be used to determine the condition of items you own. They can also help you decide if an upgrade needs to be done on your property.

For example, you may notice worn building materials during a standard assessment. If your home was constructed a long time ago, you may ultimately decide to have structural materials replaced. By doing so, you can ward off future problems. 

Conducting An Assessment

Each assessment should be conducted indoors and outdoors. A home should be inspected for signs of damage and its layout examined. This step can be used to identify potential risks that could cause an injury.

An assessment will also uncover safety issues that could threaten the residents of a home. If an assessment is to be conducted by a licensed insurance inspector, the inspector will furnish a report when the assessment is complete.

This report will highlight the assessment’s outcome. If any issues are discovered during the actual assessment, the property owner will be notified.

Contact Idaho Select Insurance

Use an assessment to your advantage. At the end of each one, determine how much insurance protection you need. Use the results of the assessment to make improvements to your property. Contact one of our agents who serve Meridian, ID for more information. An insurance agent who represents Idaho Select Insurance will assist you.

What Are the Different Types of Home Insurance Policy Options?

There are several different types of home insurance policies on the market. The trick to choosing the right one is getting the professional assistance necessary to understand and match the policy to your specific needs. Our team at Idaho Select Insurance are committed to helping the residents of Meridian, ID find the right insurance they need for their homes.

Types of Home Insurance 

There are three types of home insurance available for most homeowners. The first is actual cash value, which covers the cost to replace your home in the event of a total loss calculated when your home is built. According to the market, replacement cost insurance factors in the current price to replace the house. The most comprehensive insurance policy is the guaranteed policy or, as it’s also known, the extent of the replacement cost policy. This policy will guarantee that you can rebuild your home exactly like it was when it was new, despite the house’s current market value.

If you need help deciding which policy works best for your situation, our team can help. They can carefully assess your situation and recommend insurance options that meet or exceed your current and future needs. Not only do we assist you with purchasing an insurance policy, but we will also provide exceptional customer service for the lifetime of that policy. Our services include assisting with any changes, submission of documents, and even helping with claim submissions.

Find Out More 

If you want to learn more about home insurance and your options, please call or stop by Idaho Select Insurance to speak to an insurance agent. We can provide answers to any questions and hope you get started on the process of finding insurance policy options that offer the residents of Meridian, ID some peace of mind.

How to Create an Inventory List When You Purchase Rental Insurance

At Idaho Select Insurance, providing residents in the greater Meridian, ID region, we want to help our customers with their insurance needs and questions. This is why we offer tips to help our customers if the unexpected occurs. If you are looking to purchase a rental insurance policy or have recently purchased one, we strongly recommend making an inventory list. Here are a few tips to help you create that list. 

Go Room By Room Listing Inventory

When creating an inventory list for rental insurance, you should go room by room, listing the general items in the room. Be sure to include any high-value items on your list, as these items need to be documented if you need to file a claim due to fire, theft, or other covered events. 

Take Pictures of High-Value Items

As you make an inventory list, take the time to either take pictures or videos of your high-priced items, including jewelry, electronics, and furniture. This is one of the best ways to document that you do own those items and show what condition the items were in. 

Save Receipts

Lastly, if you have receipts for high-value items or if you purchase new high-value items, be sure to save your receipts. This can come in handy, as it documents when you bought an item and how much you paid for it. 

Having an inventory list can be handy if you ever have to file a claim with your renters’ insurance company. It helps to show that you owned items of value and shows the condition those items were in. If you are looking for a renters’ insurance policy, Idaho Select Insurance, serving the greater Meridian, ID area, would love to be of service to you. Call our office, and let’s get started finding you a new policy. 

The Importance of Reviewing Home Insurance At Least Once A Year

Each year comes with new changes, whether they are expected or unforeseen occurrences that require your attention. With this comes the urgency to structure your life around these events, starting with finances, an area that extends to your home insurance needs. Below, Idaho Select Insurance discusses why reviewing your Meridian, ID home insurance is a crucial part of your coverage. 

Helps You Take Advantage of Discounts

Home insurance policies will regularly come with discounts for various reasons. Examples of this include getting better security features for your home or deciding to bundle your policies. When this happens, you are eligible for discounts, meaning a review will come in handy in helping you stay up to date with your current policy discounts. 

Helps You Manage Life Changes

Various life changes have the power to affect your policies and will require you to review and update your cover to suit your current needs. These life changes include new mortgages, the addition of a dependant such as a child, or a change of houses.  Updating your information will allow you to alter your insurance as required, helping you file for the proper claim when perils such as injuries to new family members arise.

Helps You Take Advantage of Policy Changes

Policy changes can also affect your coverage, with an example of this being improved legal requirements that offer homeowners favorable policies. Reviewing your insurance will be essential in helping you to take advantage of such insurance features, allowing you to also stay in the know of new insurance policies. In addition to this, errors could also affect your coverage, hence the need to regularly review your policy to prevent any changes that could lead you to financial despair.

To get updated coverage for your home insurance, consider getting in touch with Idaho Select Insurance today. Our Meridian, ID insurance agents will help you get appropriate home insurance for your property.

Is Flood Insurance Necessary for Your Home in Idaho?

Flood Insurance in Idaho

As you may have seen many times, widespread floods have wreaked havoc on communities across the country. Idaho is no different and if you live in a high-risk flood zone, you will need to get insurance. Protecting your home and valuable possessions is important in times of disaster such as flooding. Having adequate flood insurance will ensure that you are protected during a crisis.

At Idaho Select Insurance in Meridian, ID, we have worked with many home and business owners to secure the best policies possible to protect their assets and property. It is better to be prepared before the next big storm hits.

Staying Covered

A private insurer may offer options other than FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which is a standard type of flood insurance. Usually, flood insurance is a standalone policy separate from your homeowner’s coverage. Depending on different factors, including the severity of risk where you reside, the cost can vary. Private insurers can offer options through different companies and can tailor a plan that will work for you. Staying covered in Idaho will give you peace of mind if an unforeseen disaster should happen.

Insurance You Can Trust

Contact us at Idaho Select Insurance in Meridian, ID. We work with the best companies to find affordable policies that suit your specific needs. Many people neglect flood insurance until it is too late. It is better to not wait and wind up losing your investments in the event of a disaster. If you are looking for flood insurance or any other type of coverage, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our agents. We look forward to working with you.

When does someone need to have home insurance in Idaho?

The Meridian, ID area is a very popular community for someone to live in. When you are living here, a great option would be to purchase your home as it provides a number of benefits. If you are going to purchase a home in this area of the state, you should make sure that you get a quality insurance policy. There are several situations when someone here needs to have a home insurance policy. 

When a Loan is Outstanding

One situation when you will need to have a home insurance policy is when you have a loan outstanding against your home. If you have taken out a mortgage, the mortgage lender is going to want you to have insurance to ensure their collateral is protected at all times. The mortgage will have specific mortgage requirements and could require that you escrow payments monthly.

Association Rules

Some people in this area of the state may also have home association guidelines that need to be followed. It is important to review your home association documents to ensure that you are in compliance. Associations normally require you to have this to ensure you can handle any future liability claims and repair your home if it is damaged. 

It is almost always a good idea for someone to have home insurance when they are in Idaho. When you are shopping for a new home insurance policy here, it would be a good idea to consider all of your needs and options. The team at Idaho Select Insurance can help someone do just that. When you work with Idaho Select Insurance to properly insure your Meridian, ID area home, you are going to receive the advice and guidance you need to select the right policy. 

What Homeowners In Meridian Need To Know Before Tornado Season Hits

It’s clear: tornado season is upon us. As a homeowner, you know the importance of protecting yourself against severe weather. As tornadoes begin to roll in this summer, it’s important that you take steps to keep you and your family safe. At Idaho Select Insurance, serving Meridian, ID and surrounding areas, we care about you and your home. Follow these tips to make sure you’re prepped and ready for tornado season. 

– Know your safe spot. Talk with your family about where you’ll shelter in your house when a tornado hits. Prep that area with the things you’ll need while you shelter in place, such as bottled water, nonperishable food items, a flashlight, a cell phone charger, batteries, and baby supplies, if applicable. 

– Practice. If you have young kids, it’s important that they know what to do when a tornado hits. Practice walking down to your safe spot. 

– When severe thunderstorms are coming, know how you’re going to prep your yard. Bring patio furniture inside, pull one of the cars into the garage, and make sure that any lose objects are secured. 

– Think about nearby family members, especially those who are disabled or elderly. It might make sense for mom and dad to stay at your home when severe weather is predicted. 

Of course, all the plans in the world don’t always protect against the unexpected. It’s important that you have a solid home insurance policy to keep you safe during storm season. Call our office, Idaho Select Insurance serving Meridian, ID, to set up a policy that will keep your home safe when tornadoes hit.

Will Renter’s Insurance Protect My Home-Based Business From Theft?

If you currently operate a business out of your home or have thought about opening a home-based business, have you considered what you would do in the event that your inventory or equipment was stolen? Don’t make the error of assuming your homeowner’s insurance policy will provide theft coverage or sufficient coverage of business-related risks.  

Idaho Select Insurance offers a variety of business insurance policies tailored to protect your new Meridian, ID home business against theft, fraud, vandalism, fraud, employee injuries, and liability claims.  Some coverage options include: 

  • Business crime insurance 
  • Liability insurance 
  • Property insurance 
  • Workers’ compensation insurance 
  • Business auto insurance 

Property Coverage and Home Businesses 

Unlike your homeowners insurance, a business insurance policy can provide coverage for your business property and office equipment. Coverage for anything business-related, such as data, computer equipment, machinery, inventory, supplies for your home office is typically excluded from your homeowners insurance policy or covered with a low limit. If a fire destroyed all your inventory or someone broke into your home and stole all your computer equipment, what would you do? Business insurance would provide the financial help you need to get your business back on its feet by covering the cost of replacing your property, and in some cases, replacing your lost income.  

Liability Coverage and Your Home Business 

Small business owners who operate from home are easy targets for lawsuits, and it only takes one lawsuit — even if it is eventually dismissed — for a business owner to face lose their business and assets and face financial ruin. While you can’t an angry client or a disgruntled employee or from taking legal action against you, business liability coverage allows you to protect the business you’ve worked so hard to build. A typical homeowners policy doesn’t cover events that occur while conducting business. If someone is injured on your property or while conducting business with you, their medical expenses could be your responsibility to pay out of pocket. 

What’s The Best Type Of Insurance For My Home-Based Business?

It is critical for home business owners to have the right type of insurance coverage. Some may require a separate commercial insurance policy, while others such as real estate agents, accountants, photographers, handcrafters, consultants, tutors, and music teachers can add a “specified business pursuits” endorsement to their existing homeowner’s policy.   

Are you wondering if your Meridian, ID home-based business qualifies for an endorsement for additional insurance coverage through your homeowner’s policy? Interested in learning more about business insurance coverage? Talk to an Idaho Select Insurance agent today.

Winter Home Safety Tips

Winter is the time for cozy evenings by the fire and increased indoor times in general. Idaho is known for cold winters, and this year is forecasted to be on par. Here are a few safety tips to make sure that you are as safe as possible in your home this winter. At Idaho Select Insurance we want to help you be as safe as possible all year long. We serve people in and around Meridian, ID. 

Stay Safe Indoors This Winter

Many of the winter-related indoor dangers come from the heating of the home. To reduce risks associated with keeping warm the first thing you should do is make sure your chimney flue is clear of debris before you start that first fire. Also, inspect any electrical cords to space heaters. Finally, do not overlook your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. They should be in working order all year round and fall is a good time to double check before the increased risk of their need due to gas heaters. 

A bathroom is a place in the home where many falls and injuries occur for people of all ages. In the winter months, the risks can increase due to space heaters and electrical outlets. To stay safe check all your cords and plugs at the beginning of the season and periodically. Also, make sure that no electrical heaters or appliances are near any source of water.

An additional measure to improve health in the winter is to be sure to change out your filters in the winter months to make your indoor air quality better. A few houseplants can also help with air quality while perking up those cold months with some color. 

Contact us at Idaho Select Insurance if you are looking to purchase or upgrade your home insurance. We proudly serve Meridian, ID and the surrounding areas with quality insurance coverage. 

What Does Your Home Insurance Policy Not Cover?

You may think that your homeowner’s insurance policy will cover any damage to your home in Meridian, ID, but that’s not the case. If you want certain things covered, you will have to add additional insurance. An agent at Idaho Select Insurance can help.

Your homeowner’s insurance policy won’t cover damage by certain events, like floods, sinkholes, and earthquakes. You will need separate policies for each of these events. Since policies don’t cover floods, it will usually not cover any sort of standing water, whether a storm or a broken pipe causes it.

Termites are not covered by homeowner’s insurance and they can cause a lot of damage to the home.

Certain items in your home may not be covered or cause your home insurance rates to be higher, such as a pool or a trampoline. Certain dog breeds may also not be covered by insurance because they pose too much of a risk. If your dog has previously attacked someone, then they also pose too much of a risk and won’t be covered.

If you are having work done on your house you need to make sure your contractor has liability insurance, and you may want extra coverage since damage due to construction likely won’t be covered.

Many policies will have limits on coverage, especially for very expensive items like jewelry and fine art. For these items to be covered, make sure you have additional terms in your policy.

If you are keeping cash in your home, you may not be able to prove that the cash is in your home if it’s stolen, so your policy likely won’t cover it.

Some home insurance will cover mold, but this can be tricky. It depends on how the mold was caused to see if it is covered.

Contact Idaho Select Insurance serving Meridian, ID to get a homeowner’s insurance policy quote.